DNO Approval Required

ChargedEV has reviewed your survey images and before we can install, we need approval from your DNO.

Your distribution network operator is the company that owns and operates the power lines and infrastructure that connects homes in your area to the electricity network.

In preparation for your chargepoint installation we have notified your DNO of the intended install. We have let them know as it is likely that your home’s electricity supply could need to be altered so you can have the most benefit from your chargepoint and to ensure the installation is safe.

In many cases, the DNO approves our installation without any extra time, effort or cost. In this scenario, you don’t have anything to do, we’ll confirm they’ve approved and continue.In some cases, if your home’s electricity supply is smaller you may need a supply upgrade.

More often than not, it is typically a free of charge service from your DNO. It will just take time to arrange but we’ll help you all the way through.

The Technical Bit

We identify your home’s electricity supply by reviewing the image of your electric meter and surrounding area. We’re obligated to assume that the supply is a maximum of 60A where we cannot view this area properly or any labels on equipment are old, damaged or appear to have been altered.

The type and size of your home’s current supply might impact whether your DNO can complete upgrade works and whether they are chargeable.

Any work requested by your DNO will need to be completed before your chargepoint installation can take place, this may mean that we need to delay or reschedule your appointment – if so, we’ll let you know as soon as we can.

If you’d like to talk to our technical experts directly about this is any more detail, please call 03300 431 852.